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In-class notes for 02/24/2014

CS 121B (CS1), Spring 2014

Submitted questions on assignments and technology



Submitted questions on readings

Accumulators, revisited

  • Example of a loop:

            count = 0
    	# invar: count holds the number of invitations printed so far
            for name in ['Bob', 'Carol', 'Ted', 'Alice']:
                print("Hi,", name, "-- please come to my party!")
                count = count + 1
    Output from that loop:
        Hi, Bob -- please come to my party!
        Hi, Carol -- please come to my party!
        Hi, Ted -- please come to my party!
        Hi, Alice -- please come to my party!

  • The final value of count is 4. The variable count is an accumulator, i.e., a variable we use to build up an answer over time.

  • Tracing accumulators..

  • Another example: the accumulator from countPositives

            count = 0
    	# invar:  count holds the number of positive elements seen so far
    	for elt in [4, -2, 7.8, 0, -1, 5]:
    	    if elt > 0:
    		count = count + 1

  • Exercises: By hand, trace the following loops with accumulators; also predict the final values of those accumulators

    1.     posct = negct = zeroct = 0
          # invar:  
          #   posct holds the number of positive elements seen so far AND
          #   negct holds the number of negative elements seen so far AND
          #   zeroct holds the number of zeroes seen so far
          for elt in [4, -2, 7.8, 0, -1, 5]:
              if elt > 0:
                  posct = posct + 1
      	elif elt < 0:
                  negct = negct + 1
      	else:  # assert:  elt == 0
      	    zeroct = zeroct + 1
    2.     prod = 1
          # invar: prod holds the product of the first N-1 positive integers
          for N in range(1, 5):
              prod = prod * N

Anatomy of iteration

  • A loop is a language statement for repetition through iteration, one of two strategies we will explore for repeating computer actions in Python3.

  • By "anatomy" of iteration (as in a loop), we mean the structural elements that are common to all iterations.

  • Example:

        # invar: i holds the number of lines printed so far
        for i in range(1, 5) :
            print(i, i*i)

  • Anatomical parts of an iteration:

    • initialization: assign initial value(s) to loop control variable(s). In this case, the loop control variable is i, and its initial value is 1

    • invariant: a statement of what is logically true at the beginning and end of each iteration (repetition). We include this in a Python3 comment (intended for human reader)

    • guard: stopping condition for the iteration. In this case, the iteration stops when the loop control variable i reaches the value 5 (specified in the range() call)

    • body: programming-language statements to be repeated. In this case, the body consists of the print() statement.

    • progress: how to adjust the loop control variable for the next iteration. In this case, range(1, 5) adds 1 to i to obtain the next value.

While loops

  • Syntax for a Python3 while loop:

  • We can use while loops instead of for loops to accomplish any iteration we can program with for. Examples:

        # invar: i holds the number of 
        #          lines printed so far    
        for i in range(1, 5) :
            print(i, i*i)
        i = 1
        # invar: i holds the number of 
        #          lines printed so far    
        while i < 5:
            print(i, i*i)
            i = i + 1
  • However, we will need to learn more about lists before we can use while loops that are controlled by lists

  • for is convenient when the number of repetitions is known in advance.

    while is convenient when the number of repetitions is not known in advance

  • Anatomy of iteration in a while loop:

Image manipulation


Example of recursion

  • Recall the computer art example from HW1

  • The program for generating this "sprig" drawing accomplishes repetition without for or while loops:

    import turtle
    window = turtle.Screen()
    fred = turtle.Turtle();
    def drawSprig(tu, length, factor, angle, colors):
        if colors != []:
            prevcolor = tu.pencolor()
            drawSprig(tu, length*factor, factor, angle, colors[1:])
            drawSprig(tu, length*factor, factor, angle, colors[1:])
            drawSprig(tu, length*factor, factor, angle, colors[1:])
    drawSprig(fred, 100, .5, 40,  ['black', 'green', 'blue', 'red'])

  • This is repetition through a function calling itself in its own definition --- "do the same thing again, with changed parameters"

    This type of repetition is called recursion, and it gives the best solutions to some kinds of programming problems (such as drawing a sprig).

To study for quiz

  • for loops

  • function defs, given specs

  • accumulators

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