In-class notes for 02/26/2014 (CS 121B (CS1), Spring 2014)
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In-class notes for 02/26/2014

CS 121B (CS1), Spring 2014

  • Homework assignment

  • Quiz today

  • For homework: Submit code through email, instead of screenshots, except for visual data such as images and drawings.

Submitted questions on assignments and technology


Submitted questions on readings

Manipulating images

  • The cImage Python3 package (installed on Link machines and in the book's Active Code system) allows us to manipulate computer images.

  • Review of image basics (text reference): image files; pixels; width, height; colors, intensities 0-255.

  • Using cImage on the Link computers

    % cp ~cs121/stomag.png .
    % display stomag.png
    % python3
    Python 3.3.2 (default, Nov  8 2013, 13:38:57) 
    [GCC 4.8.2 20131017 (Red Hat 4.8.2-1)] on linux
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import cImage as image
    >>> img = image.Image("stomag.png")
    >>> img.getHeight()
    >>> img.getWidth()
    >>> win = image.ImageWin()
    >>> img.draw(win)
    >>> img.getPixel(100,250)
    (88, 183, 119)
    >>> img.setPixel(100,250,image.Pixel(0,0,0))
    >>> img.setPixel(100,251,image.Pixel(0,0,0))
    >>> img.setPixel(100,252,image.Pixel(0,0,0))
    >>> img.draw(win)
    >>> exit()
    % display stomag2.png


  • Each pixel in an image has three color intensities, typically for the colors red, green, and blue, with intensity values ranging from 0 to 255. Each color that can the screen can display can be represented using combined intensities of those three colors. Examples:

    For instance, the color teal has intensities (2, 147, 134), representing red=2 (on a scale from 0 to 255), green=147, and blue=134. The higher the intensity, the more light of that color appears.

  • Note: The same intensity values will appear somewhat differently on different screens, especially screens that are manufactured using different technologies. We will not look into correcting for such discrepancies here.

  • The maximum intensity triple (255, 255, 255) displays as white, and the minimum intensity triple (0, 0, 0) displays as black.

  • The red/greenblue strategy we describe here is called a color model, and is commonly called the RGB model.

  • Other color models exist. Whereas RGB works well for computer displays (which generate light), another model called CYMK works better for print media (which reflect light). The CYMK model is based on ink colors cyan, yellow, magenta, and black.

  • Comment: Using red, green, and blue intensities, e.g., (2,147,134), is a natural way to specify an RGB color. Alternatively, an approach called HSV (hue-saturation-value) exists, which describes the RGB colors using a different strategy besides specifying three intensities.

    We will not use HSV in our work, but instead will specify colors using three intensities between 0 and 255, for red, green, and blue.

Example of manipulating an image

  • Consider the following problem:

    Write and test a function negative() to replace each pixel color in an impage by its negative color, satisfying the following spec.


    One argument: A cImage image.
    State change:
    The image arg1 is modified to replace each pixel color by its negative color, i.e., replacing the red intensity rd by 255 - rd, replacing the green intensity gr by 255 - gr, and replacing the blue intensity bl by 255 - bl.
    Return: A cImage image, the modified version of arg1 with all pixel colors replaced by their negatives
    Example call:
        import cImage as image
        win = image.ImageWin()
        img = image.Image("stomag.png")
        img.draw(win)  # shows the image before modification
        img = negative(img)
        img.draw(win)  # shows the image after modification
  • We will define the function negative() using a nested loop (loop within a loop) to visit all the pixels in each row and column of an image img.

        for row in range(img.getHeight()):
            for col in range(img.getWidth()):
                Do something with the pixel at (row, col)

  • Definition of negative():

    import cImage as image
    def negative(img):
        for row in range(img.getHeight()):
            for col in range(img.getWidth()):
                pixel = img.getPixel(col, row)
                red = pixel[0]
                green = pixel[1]
                blue = pixel[2]
                img.setPixel(col, row, image.Pixel(255-red, 255-green, 255-blue))
        return img    
    def main():
        win = image.ImageWin()
        img = image.Image("stomag.png")
        img.draw(win)  # shows the image before modification
        img = negative(img)
        img.draw(win)  # shows the image after modification


  • Note: Use a function main() for larger programs to make it easy to find the main algorithm of a program. Be sure to include a call of main() at the end of your code.

About lists

  • A Python3 list is a sequence of any Python3 values, referred to as elements, that Python3 treats as a unit, and whose elements can be modified. Python3 syntax for lists:

  • The length of a list is the number of elements in that list. The predefined Python3 function len() may be used to determine the length of a list.

    Sample calls:

        len( ['a', 7, 42+19, math.sqrt(2)] ) --> 4
        len( [] ) --> 0

  • Individual elements in a list may be retrieved using index notation, which also uses square brackets. The index of a first element is zero. Example:

        import math
        lis = ['a', 7, 42+19, math.sqrt(2)]
        lis  --> ['a', 7, 61, 1.4142135623730951]
        lis[0] --> 'a'
        lis[3] --> 1.4142135623730951
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "", line 1, in 
        IndexError: list index out of range
        lis[1:] --> [7, 61, 1.4142135623730951]
    The error message for lis[4] arises because lis only has four elements, with indices 0, 1, 2, and 3. In other words, there is no element with index 4, causing the error.

  • The final example above illustrates a slice of a list, producing of all elements of lis with index 1 or greater. The drawSprig function uses indexing and slicing in order to manage drawing colors.

    import turtle
    window = turtle.Screen()
    fred = turtle.Turtle();
    def drawSprig(tu, length, factor, angle, colors):
        if colors != []:
            prevcolor = tu.pencolor()
            drawSprig(tu, length*factor, factor, angle, colors[1:])
            drawSprig(tu, length*factor, factor, angle, colors[1:])
            drawSprig(tu, length*factor, factor, angle, colors[1:])
    drawSprig(fred, 100, .5, 40,  ['black', 'green', 'blue', 'red'])
  • List elements may be any Python3 values--including lists. When a list L contains elements that are themselves nonempty lists, we say that L is a nested list. Example:

       [4, [7, 'a', 6], [], [1, [2]]]
    Note: This list has four elements, three of which are lists.

  • Lists that contain other non-empty lists are called nested lists.


  • A function is recursive if it calls itself within its own definition. For example, the function drawSprig() uses recursive calls in its definition in order to draw the next generation of each sprig figure.

    import turtle
    window = turtle.Screen()
    fred = turtle.Turtle();
    def drawSprig(tu, length, factor, angle, colors):
        if colors != []:
            prevcolor = tu.pencolor()
            drawSprig(tu, length*factor, factor, angle, colors[1:])
            drawSprig(tu, length*factor, factor, angle, colors[1:])
            drawSprig(tu, length*factor, factor, angle, colors[1:])
    drawSprig(fred, 100, .5, 40,  ['black', 'green', 'blue', 'red'])

  • Exercise 1: How would you modify this code to produce the following diagram, instead?

    Exercise 2: Write a function that counts the number of elements in a list, using recursion


    One argument: A Python3 list
    Return: A non-negative integer, the number of elements in arg1
    Example call:
        countElements([1, 'a', 2]) --> 3


    • Only one recursive call is needed. Focus on what it would compute.

    • No accumulator is needed!

    • Use a slice.

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