
Intended Outcomes from CS 241

CS 241 (HD), Fall 2018

We intend the following outcomes for students who have completed St. Olaf's CS 241, Hardware Design (HD).

At the end of the course, we intend that students have:

  • Awareness and understanding of key hardware design principles.

  • Awareness and understanding of current technology trends in hardware design.

  • Knowledge of features of CPU design.

  • Exposure to assembly language programming.

  • Continued high-level language programing experience.

  • Understanding of machine-level implementation of standard features of programming languages.

  • Acquaintance with terminology and common concepts related to computing hardware.

  • Ability to approach technical prose and extract information from it.

  • Exposure to multicore programming.

  • Exposure to GPU programming. (new)

  • Introduction to concepts of computer networking.

  • Introduction to concepts of computer operating systems.

  • Experience with using single-board computer systems (e.g., Raspberry Pi).