
Intended Outcomes from CS 251

CS 251 (SD), Fall 2018

We intend the following outcomes for students who have completed St. Olaf's CS 251, Software Design and Implementation (SD).

At the end of the course, we intend that students have:

  • Understanding and practical experience in most of the Programming Fundamentals knowledge area identified in the national curricular recommendations for Computer Science (CS) majors, using the C++ language, including

    • fundamental programming constructs,

    • algorithms and problem solving,

    • fundamental data structures, and

    • recursion;

  • Understanding and practical experience with memory management;

  • A thorough introduction to object-oriented programming in C++ language;

  • Understanding and practical experience in topics in the Software Engineering knowledge area identified in the national curricular recommendations for CS majors, including

    • Software design principles,

    • Software tools and environments,

    • Software processes,

    • Software requirements and specifications,

    • Sofware evolution,

    • Software project management;

  • An introductory experience of structured ethical analysis of a software system; and

  • A multi-week team project implementation experience in C++, conducted in the spirit of standard software design practices.