
Project report: Individual

CS 300A (PDC), Fall 2018

Please respond as an individual to the following questions concerning your PDC project.

Note: Your responses will be treated as confidential.

Click below to submit your responses.

  1. Your name:

  2. Your project team:

    Note: If you were on more than one project team, please fill this form out separately for each team.

  3. Comments/clarification about projects (optional)

  4. List 1-3 main tasks you worked on for the project team, however those tasks figured in the team's final results. For each task, include a sentence or two to describe that task and indicate its degree of completion. Also, identify your role in that work, and estimate the proportion of your project time you spent on that task.
    (This information will naturally overlap with comments in your responses for other questions on this form -- please repeat as needed in order to create this summary list of tasks.)

    1. Task 1
      Brief description and degree of completion

      Your role:
      Time estimate: % of your time spent on project

    2. Task 2
      Brief description and degree of completion

      Your role:
      Time estimate: % of your time spent on project

    3. Task 3
      Brief description and degree of completion

      Your role:
      Time estimate: % of your time spent on project

  5. Please describe your role(s) in the final presentation.

  6. Please comment on the contributions and effort of other members of your team.

  7. Please describe any contributions you made to other projects in the class, if any.

  8. Do you have any suggestions for future PDC project topics?

  9. Please provide any additional comments you may have (optional).