Please note: This is NOT the most current catalog.
Co-Curricular Activities
Student Activities
The student activities program at St. Olaf College
is designed to complement the academic program of studies and to enhance
the overall educational experience of students through development
of, exposure to and participation in social, cultural, intellectual,
recreational and governance programs.
Student activities are planned and implemented through
collaborative efforts by the Student Government Association, under
the leadersqhip of the director of student activities. At first
glance, the name, Student Government Association (SGA), is slightly
misleading. The SGA is not a separate committee itself, but the
term used in referring to its nine divisions, in addition to student
media. These divisions are the Alumni Relations Committee, Board
of Regents Student Committee, Diversity Celebrations Committee,
The Pause, Political Awareness Committee, Student Activities Committee,
Student Organizations Committee, Student Senate and Volunteer Network.
The Alumni Relations Committee (ARC) keeps
the student body connected to St. Olaf alumni. Activities include
matching students to mentors in their field and bringing past Oles
back to campus to share their experiences.
The Board of Regents Student Committee (BORSC)
is responsible for gathering and voicing students' concerns
to the governing body of St. Olaf, the Board of Regents.
The Diversity Celebrations Committee (DCC)
coordinates the many cultural celebrations held on campus each year.
These include Black History Month, Viva La Raza, Asia Weeks and
the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
The Pause, located in Buntrock Commons, is
a place as well as an SGA division. It provides space for students
to kick back, grab a plate of nachos or homemade pizza from The
Pause kitchen, watch a few minutes of big-screen TV, play a video
game and simply relax. The Pause Mane Stage also features a dance
floor and stage and hosts many campus and regional bands, dances
and other entertainment.
The Political Awareness Committee (PAC) strives
to keep students on top of critical political and social issues
by bringing in national speakers, such as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
and Janet Reno. They also work to keep students aware of election
issues and candidates.
The Student Activities Committee (SAC) features
10 sub-committees that program Homecoming, Senior Week, recreational
activities, student-parent banquets, dances, comedians, movies and
trips to the Twin Cities.
The Student Organizations Committee (SOC)
oversees 90+ student organizations, ranging from service groups
such as Habitat for Humanity to club sports such as men's and women's
Ultimate Frisbee. SOC grants formal recognition status and coordinates
grants and funding to these organizations to help them with the
planning of programs and activities.
The Student Senate is the legislative division
of the SGA. The Senate is elected by the student body and serves
as the main liaison with the administration and faculty. It consists
of SGA division chairs and representatives from residence halls
and campus-wide committees.
The Volunteer Network (VN) provides
St. Olaf students with a wide range of rewarding volunteer opportunities
in Northfield and the surrounding communities, such as pet therapy
with nursing home residents, tutoring in Northfield schools, Special
Olympics and being role models for Northfield youth.
Student Government
Student groups are free to organize and regulate
their own activities within the limits set forth by college policy.
The specific roles appropriate for each of the intra-student organizations
are specified by the constitutions of these bodies.
Each student is a member of the St. Olaf College
student community and may participate in the election of its officers.
The St. Olaf Student Senate, composed
of elected student representatives, is the official student government
on campus. It represents the interests of the St. Olaf College student
community, overseeing student-related affairs. Copies of the St.
Olaf Student Senate Constitution are available in the Student Activities
Office and the Dean of Students Office.
The Interhall Council (IHC) plays a
significant governing role in the shaping of residential life. Membership
is determined by elections held in the fall. The hall councils meet
regularly to program activities and review the needs and concerns
of hall residents.
The Honor Council (in conjunction with
a College Judiciary and a College Appeals Board) is the primary
body for hearing discipline cases involving academic dishonesty.
Student Media
All student media offices are located in the Buntrock
The Manitou Messenger, founded in 1887,
is the college newspaper published weekly by students for the St.
Olaf College community. It is the medium for announcing and reporting
campus-related events and for expressing student and faculty opinions.
The St. Olaf Literary Arts Magazine
is the publication of the creative arts at St. Olaf College. It
stimulates and solicits creative work from students and faculty
members as well as from other sources and is published each spring.
The Viking, the college yearbook founded
in 1903, is published annually to record and reflect life at St.
Olaf College. Students with an interest in design, photography,
copy writing, business, or advertising are welcome to join the staff.
KSTO is the student FM radio station
for the St. Olaf College community. Its broadcasts include music,
athletic events, community service announcements and taped programs
from college and outside sources. KSTO, 93.1 FM, is student run
and operated 18 hours a day, seven days a week.
All divisions of the SGA are entirely student run
and are funded by the students of St. Olaf
For more detailed information about campus governance,
consult The Book.
While the curriculum of college is designed to prepare students
for lives of worth and service in the 21st century, many opportunities
outside the classroom help them put their ideals into practice even
before they graduate from St. Olaf.
St. Olaf as a Worshipping Community
St. Olaf's primary aim is to provide the best possible education.
As a college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, St.
Olaf intentionally carries out that aim in the context of a worshipping
Christian community.
In addition to the study of theology, the college
provides time, facilities and personnel to sustain the worship life
of the community of faith on campus. A 20-minute chapel service
in Boe Memorial Chapel every weekday is part of the college's regular
schedule. Through the years, the St. Olaf faculty and student body
have exercised the privilege of voluntary attendance at these services
in a remarkable way.
Sunday morning worship on campus is the responsibility
of the student congregation. Because of the denominational affiliation
of the college, the worship services are predominantly in the traditional
Lutheran liturgical format. The Office of the College Pastor, together
with the student congregation, does, however, seek to carry on a
ministry addressed to the needs and interests of all students, regardless
of church affiliation. The various churches in the Northfield community
cordially invite students to participate with them as well.
Membership in the St. Olaf College student congregation
is open to all students. They declare their interest in membership
and are given voting privileges by simply participating regularly
in the worship life and other activities of the congregation. The
activities of the congregation, as well as certain benevolence projects,
are supported by free-will offerings at regular worship services.
The congregation states its purpose and aim in the following preamble
to its constitution:
"Inasmuch as God is working at St. Olaf College,
a community of varied religious and social backgrounds in which
the students are challenged by questions and faced with decisions,
the St. Olaf College student congregation seeks to become an intentional
and self-conscious expression of God's gathered people, providing
opportunity for the ministry of Word and Sacraments, extending a
call for responsible membership in the community of faith as well
as the community of learning and showing a genuine and active concern
for the work of the Church both on and off the campus."
In addition to supervising the daily chapel services
and the activities of the student congregation, the Office of the
College Pastor is always open to students who seek counseling for
personal, vocational, or religious areas of concern, or who simply
desire to inquire about ways to get involved in the various religious
activities available on campus. The counseling is done, of course,
with complete confidentiality.
Community Volunteer Services
A large number of St. Olaf students participate in numerous volunteer
activities in the local Northfield area and surrounding communities.
Students regularly visit with juvenile offenders in Red Wing and
with the physically and mentally challenged in Faribault. Some students
also visit shelters for the homeless in downtown Minneapolis to
serve food, sort donated clothes, or just play with the children.
Other students contribute their time and talents visiting senior
citizens in the local hospital and retirement centers, serving as
coaches for Special Olympics athletes, as well as participating
in a number of tutorial opportunities within the Northfield schools
and local literacy programs.
Interested students may contact the student coordinator
of the St. Olaf Volunteer Network in the Student Activities Office
for more information.
St. Olaf offers an extensive program of intercollegiate and intramural
sports. Excellent facilities and coaching are available for the
large number of students who wish to take part in sports activities.
Intercollegiate Competition
St. Olaf athletic teams compete in the Minnesota Intercollegiate
Athletic Conference, which includes 12 colleges in addition to St.
Olaf: Augsburg, Bethel, Carleton, Concordia, Gustavus Adolphus,
Hamline, Macalester, St. Benedict, St. Catherine, St. John's, St.
Mary's and St. Thomas.
The program of intercollegiate athletics for men includes
baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, hockey, Nordic
and alpine skiing, soccer, swimming, tennis, track and field, and
The intercollegiate sports program for women includes
basketball, cross country, fastpitch softball, golf, hockey, Nordic
and alpine skiing, soccer, swimming, tennis, track and field, and
The intercollegiate athletic program is considered
an integral part of the college, and its purpose and scope are educational
in concept and in operation. This policy reflects institutional
ideals and objectives, and its supervision and control are vested
in the faculty.
Eligibility for intercollegiate athletics is certified
by the faculty in accordance with Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic
Conference policy.
Intramural and Club Sport Options
The intramural program offers a wide range of activities to meet
the needs and desires of as many students as possible. The program
includes dozens of activities offering competitive opportunities
for men's, women's and coed teams. There are also a number of "club
sport" teams that provide "extramural" competitive
experiences in sports such as Ultimate Frisbeeª, men's volleyball,
lacrosse, coed water polo and cycling,
which are not sponsored as intercollegiate sports.
There are many opportunities for general recreation
and free play for all students. Several types of aerobic machines
are available for use in the Tostrud Center (open in Fall 2002)
an in Skoglund and Manitou Fieldhouses. The gym, fieldhouse, weight
room and pool facilities in these buildings are available throughout
the day and evening, and on weekends. The Mohn outdoor basketball
courts and the outdoor fields and hiking/skiing trails surrounding
the campus are also available for student use.
Skoglund Athletic Center houses all indoor sports,
including basketball, wrestling, swimming, indoor track and tennis.
The gymnasium-auditorium, with three full-sized basketball courts,
has seating for 2,200 at intercollegiate basketball, volleyball,
and wrestling events. The swimming pool has six seven-foot racing
lanes and spectator seating for 300. The fieldhouse with a textured
tartan surface contains a one-tenth mile track, areas for indoor
track and field events and ample room for indoor baseball, football,
softball, soccer and golf practice throughout the year. Five tennis
courts provide students with indoor tennis play.
The two-story common unit links all other elements
of the Athletic Center and includes a spacious lobby-concourse,
classrooms, offices, locker rooms, double-mat wrestling room, weight-training
room, training room, two handball/racquetball courts and a sauna.
Outdoor facilities include a football stadium, adjoining
practice fields, a nine-lane artificial surface outdoor track, a
separate soccer game field and four adjacent practice fields, tennis
courts (12), baseball field, two softball fields and numerous intramural
fields. The Manitou Fieldhouse, which houses a strength room, meeting/aerobics
room, training room, two team dressing rooms, an equipment room,
public rest rooms and general changing areas, was completed in the
summer of 1992.
Music Ensembles Abound
People from across the nation begin their celebration of the Advent-Christmas-Epiphany
season with the annual St. Olaf Christmas Festival, a cherished
tradition of the college for more than 85 years and an expression
of the college's rich musical heritage.
The first festival in 1912 was a worship service in
song for the college community, planned and directed by F. Melius
Christiansen, the founder of the St. Olaf Music Department. The
four concerts, which attract over 15,000 people to campus, feature
the members of the St. Olaf Choir, the Chapel Choir, the St. Olaf
Cantorei, the Manitou Singers, the Viking Chorus and St. Olaf Orchestra
performing as individual groups and as a mass ensemble.
St. Olaf Choir, with 70 mixed voices, is the
pioneer a cappella choir in the United States. For more than three-quarters
of a century, the St. Olaf Choir has maintained its original purpose
Ñ study and performance of a wide range of sacred choral
literature. During annual tours in the United States and abroad,
the ensemble exemplifies the highest artistic standards in choral
music performance. Private lessons in voice are required for all
Chapel Choir, an ensemble of 120 mixed voices,
sings for Sunday services of the student congregation and for special
events both on and off campus, including a vespers concert each
fall and a concert each spring with the St. Olaf Orchestra.
The St. Olaf Cantorei, an ensemble of 90 mixed voices, sings for
Sunday services of the student congregation and serves as a laboratory
for students in church music.
Manitou Singers is a 100-voice first-year women's
chorus which sings at services of the student congregation, gives
campus concerts and makes occasional off-campus appearances.
The Early Music Singers, a chamber vocal ensemble, performs a variety
of music but focuses especially on Renaissance and Baroque literature.
In addition to singing for Sunday services of the student congregation,
the group presents a fall and spring concert with the Collegium
Gospel Choir, a mixed
ensemble of students of all races, backgrounds and denominations,
pursues the performance of gospel music. Its repertoire includes
traditional through contemporary gospel music and such influences
as African, Caribbean, Latin American and jazz styles.
The Viking Chorus is a 60-voice first-year
men's group that performs for special student events and presents
an annual spring concert after a weekend tour. It also sings for
services of the student congregation.
The Collegiate Chorale is a women's chorus
for female students and faculty and staff women. The 120-voice ensemble
gives two concerts during the year.
The St. Olaf Orchestra, with approximately
90 instrumentalists, presents several concerts each year, provides
music for a variety of college programs and makes an annual 10-day
concert tour. The orchestra periodically tours abroad, most recently
to central and eastern Europe in the summer of 1998. Private lessons
on one's orchestral instrument are required.
The St. Olaf Philharmonia is an ensemble of
approximately 70 instrumentalists that performs orchestral literature
of all periods. Performances include a fall and spring concert,
a vespers concert with the Chapel Choir and several off-campus appearances.
The St. Olaf Band The 85-member St.
Olaf Band performs at a variety of concerts and college functions
both on and off campus during the school year. The band tours regionally
for 10 days each year. In June 2000 the ensemble completed a concert
tour of the British Isles. Private lessons on one's band instrument
are required.
The Norseman Band
The 85-member Norseman Band is a concert band that plays several
concerts each year both on and off campus. The band's membership
includes first-year students through seniors.
Jazz Ensembles
Three jazz big bands perform music
from the different eras of jazz history, including swing, be-bop,
Afro-Cuban, Brazilian, funk and contemporary styles. Each group
performs in a concert and swing dance each semester.
Handbell Ensembles Two handbell ensembles
perform in a variety of settings, including chapel and Sunday Services
and a major spring concert.
Collegium Musicum performs music of the Middle
Ages, Renaissance and Baroque eras on authentic historical instruments.
Singers who participate are usually drawn from the Repertory Singers.
A concert is performed each semester with the Repertory Singers.
Other Instrumental Musical Groups The Trombone
Choir, Horn Club, Flute Choir, Clarinet Choir, St. Olaf Brass, Tuba-Euphonium
Ensemble, Pep Band and Percussion Ensemble offer opportunities for
membership in performing groups to all students at St. Olaf. Musicians
who belong to other performing groups, as well as students who have
no other ensemble membership, join together in these unique ensembles.
They perform regularly in campus concerts and frequently travel
to other cities in the area to perform. In most cases, these ensembles
rehearse once a week.
Dance, Dance, Dance
The Companydance and Veselica Dance Companies are open to men and
women by audition in the fall and spring. Class and rehearsal periods
generally occur between 3:30 and 6:30 p.m. on weekdays.
Companies provide choreographic and performing opportunities
throughout the year both on- and off-campus. Veselica emphasizes
international dance traditions; Companydance emphasizes modern dance.
A highly diverse group of students participates in theater at St.
Olaf. Participation in the theater program is open to the entire
community, and all major productions are produced under the direction
of the professional staff of the Department of Theatre. No previous
experience is necessary to participate.
In addition to the major season of five plays selected from the
classic and modern repertory, the theater fosters a series of one-acts,
experimental, and "Readers' Theater" presentations. During
the one-month Interim, there are a variety of exciting opportunities
to become involved in theater. The program of the St. Olaf College
Theatre Department is accredited by the National Association of
Schools of Theatre (NAST).
Student Media
All student media offices are located on the lower level of the
St. Olaf Center.
The Manitou Messenger, founded in 1887, is
the college newspaper published weekly by students for the St. Olaf
College community. It is the medium for announcing and reporting
campus-related events, and for expressing student and faculty opinions.
The St. Olaf Literary Arts Magazine is the
publication of the creative arts at St. Olaf College. It stimulates
and solicits creative work from students and faculty members as
well as from other sources.
The Viking, the college yearbook founded in
1903, is published annually to record and reflect life at St. Olaf
College. Students with an interest in design, photography, copy
writing, business or advertising are welcome to join the staff.
KSTO is the student AM radio station for the
St. Olaf College community. Its broadcasts include music, athletic
events, community service announcements and taped programs from
college and outside sources. KSTO, 590 AM, is student run and operated
18 hours a day, seven days a week.
St. Olaf Artist Series
The St. Olaf artist series each year presents several outstanding
attractions from the fields of music, drama, and dance. These concerts
by world famous artists are intended primarily for St. Olaf students
as an important facet of their college education.
The attractions are selected by a faculty/student committee. The
concerts are free to students, faculty, and staff. Tickets for both
reserved and general admission seats are placed on sale to the public
as part of the college's cultural responsibility to the community.
St. Olaf Convocation Program
In addition to the regular academic offerings, the college provides
opportunities for students and faculty to hear and meet prominent
persons in the fields of education, government, politics, theology,
and the arts. A series of convocation lectures brings such persons
to the campus at regular intervals throughout the year.