Using Molecular Origami

The best way to learn how to use Molecular Origami is to experiment with it. A few things are not quite self explanatory, so this should help.

You can learn more about these sections of the program:

Bond Info - Select maximum bond distances
Coordinate Data - A list of the selected atoms
Internal Coordinate Info - Choose to view common geometries
Origami Design Studio - Design the paper structures
Protein Data - Choose off a list the groups you want displayed.
Selection List - Displays position or distance & angle info of atoms surrounding the center atom
Space Group - In a unit cell, choose from 230 possible groups
View box - Where you see the picture of the selected atoms

Bond Info


Coordinate Data


Internal Coordinate Information


Origami Design Studio

  • Important - in order to save the origami, you need to save it in a view back on the main page. Either resave the view or save a new one. Make sure to save the .mo file as well.

    Protein Data


    Selection List


    Space Group


    View box


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