Drawing and Painting Projects Image Gallery










Drawing Project and Scene Painting Project

About half of the semester focuses on drawing and the other on scenery painting. In the drawing portion of the semester, a primary goal is learning to accurately draw what we see. It is no surprise that learning to see in careful and detailed ways is an important first part of the process. We draw in and out of class and work toward a set of final drawings.
In the painting part of the class, we work with color, painting techniques, texture, and scene painting exercises. Painting for performance work involves working alongside a scenic designer and is a collaborative venture. The final product will most always be viewed from a significant distance and be part of the larger world of that performance. Drawing continues to be important. We work toward a set of final painting projects that incorporate the techniques and considerations that are unique to large-scale scenery work.

Click on the link below for a gallery of drawing and painting projects from the class.

Drawing and Painting Projects