______ Individual report on web-server project (CS 273 (OS), Fall 2019)

Individual report on web-server project

CS 273 (OS), Fall 2019

As an individual, respond to the following questions about your team project.
Each team member should fill out tis form. Your response is confidential and will only be seen by your professor.

  1. Your name:

  2. Your project team:

  3. Checklist of final deliverables - check all that apply

    • All my work on this project was recorded in git commits and pushed to our team's assigned stogit repository.

    • I have submitted a signed cover sheet as described in the project assignment sheet

    • I have submitted an individual extra features document (optional)

    • I have submitted a reflection document (optional)

    Note: Each team should also submit an team report on the project

  4. Your roles in the project

  5. Describe your role(s) in the project, from your perspective.

  6. What project Tasks or other activities did you lead?

  7. What project Tasks or activities did you substantially collaborate on, and who did you primarily collaborate with on each of them?

  8. Project experience

    Reminder: Your responses are confidential and will only be seen by your professor(s).
  9. Please comment on your team experience.

  10. Please comment on the contributions of your teammates.

  11. Please comment on the helpfulness of the course TAs on this project.

  12. Did the course homework, labs, in-class meetings and other elements of the course prepare you sufficiently for the project? Please explain.

  13. Please comment on the use of git in this project. What helped you and your team the most? What might improve the use of git for the project (or course as a whole)?

  14. A Strategy document was provided for teams to accomplish this project, listing numerous individual Tasks for incrementally building the project with step-by-step instructions for carrying out each Task. Did you and your team find this document helpful? What improvements would you recommend?

  15. Do you have any other comments on the project?