______ Team report on web-server project (CS 273 (OS), Fall 2019)

Team report on web-server project

CS 273 (OS), Fall 2019

Respond to the following questions about your team project.

  1. Your name:

  2. Your project team:

  3. Checklist of final deliverables - check all that apply

    • All of our team's work was recorded in git commits and pushed to our team's assigned stogit repository.

    • We have pushed final versions of our project source and relevant data files to our team's assigned stogit repository.

    • We have completed the inventory of Tasks below.

    • We have submitted a team extra features document (optional)

    Note: Each team member should also submit an individual report on the project

  4. Team Task inventory. Please indicate your team's progress on each task below.

    started 50%+
    done task
    Task A - Working directories
    Task B - Git development branches
    Task C - Start server.c and client.c
    Task D - Start Makefile
    Task E - Start server's work.c
    Task F - Start client's request.c
    Task G - Request IDs and workdat data structure
    Task H - Round-trip client and server
    Task I - Parse HTTP request (initial version)
    Task J - Incorporate parser into server
    Task K - Add logging (log.c)
    Task L - Error checking in parser
    Task M - Send file to client
    Task N - Implement 501 (Not Implemented)
    Task O - Implement 400 (Bad Request)
    Task P - Implement 404 (Not Found)
    Task Q - Worker thread
    Task R - Multiple worker threads
    Task S - Browser test
    Task T - Parallel threads demo (Extra feature)
  5. How much did your team use git branches during project development? Please elaborate on your experience.

  6. Other comments (optional)