
Homework 1

CS 300, Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC)

Note: In homework assignments, we will use the following abbreviations.

  • [h] Do problem by hand only (computer check is optional).

  • [hc] Try problem by hand, then check on the computer.

  • [c] Work the problem on the computer. Thinking it out ahead of time is encouraged but optional.

When a problem is marked [HC], be as complete and accurate as possible in your handwritten draft---try to anticipate every subtlety.

Homework 1   Due 9/12/2018
  1. Setup

    1. [c]

      On a CS lab or classroom machine in the RNS Link, create a subdirectory to hold your work on this assignment, as follows.

      • Log in (not to mist or helios, but just to a CS lab or classroom machine).

      • % cd ~
        % mkdir PDC
        % mkdir PDC/hw1
        % cd PDC/hw1

        (Don't enter the % sign: it stands for the csh shell prompt on a CS lab or classroom machine.)

  2. Prime numbers

    1. [hc]

      Write a program primes.cpp that determines the prime numbers between 2 and N=1000, inclusive, using the following Sieve of Eratosthenes approach.

      Note: Recall that a prime number is an integer greater than 1 that is divisible by only 1 and itself. We say that integer a divides integer b if b is divisible by a, i.e., a × m = b for some other integer m.

      Write the following steps out on paper, first:

      1. Create an array num of N bytes, all initialized at 1 except num[0] = num[1] = 0. (The value 1 will represent true, and 0 will represent false.)

      2. Define an int variable p for holding one prime number. Invariant: At all times, if k > 1 then num[k] will indicate whether there is some prime less than p that divides k.

        Initialize p at the smallest prime number, 2 (so the invariant will be true at the outset).

      3. Next, write a nested loop to "mark out" non-primes divisible by p.

        • The inner loop should set num[p*i] = 0 for i=2, 3, ..., until p*iN. This marks each number p*i as a non-prime.

        • The outer loop should perform the inner loop for each prime p, starting with p=2. After performing the inner loop, the next prime will be the first index k>p such that num[k] == 1.

        Note: This outer loop can obviously stop when p>N. In fact, it can stop as soon as p>sqrt(N) (can you explain why?).

      4. Finally, write a C++ main() that defines the variables num[] and p, carries out the nested loop, then prints all numbers k such that num[k]=1 after the nested loop. The output will be the primes between 2 and N, inclusive

        2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, ...

      Now implement your program on a CS lab or classroom computer.

    2. [c]

      Use your program primes.cpp to determine how many primes are there between 2 and 1,000,000, inclusive

  3. Delivery

      Homework, labs, and projects will all be submitted using git, a widely used revision control/repository system. The CS-managed stogit server already contains a repository /username for your St. Olaf username

      1. First, on a Link computer,if you haven't already done so, carry out the following steps:

        • Parts A and B1 only of this document

        • Enter

          %   git config --global user.name "Your Name"
          %   git config --global user.email "username@stolaf.edu"
          %   git config --global core.editor "emacs"
          (enter a different editor besides emacs if preferred.)

        This enables you to perform git operations from the command line without entering your password each time.

      2. Next, connect your ~/PDC directory to your stogit repository as follows:

        %  cd ~/PDC
        %  git init
        %  git remote add origin git@stogit.cs.stolaf.edu:pdc-f18/username.git
        This only needs to be done once to associate your ~/PDC directory to your git repository.

        Note: Check your work carefully on the git remote add command above.

        • You can check the remote repository your directory is currently associated with using

          %  git remote -v

        • If you find you have made a mistake and you need to associate with your directory with a different remote repository, enter

          %  git remote remove origin
          then perform another git remote add command.

      3. Finally, add your files to your repository on stogit using these commands:

        %  cd ~/PDC/hw1
        %  git add primes.cpp
        %  git commit -a -m "HW1 submission" 
        %  git pull origin master
        %  git push origin master