
Introduction to MPI programming

CS 300, Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC)
First submission due 9/14/2018; complete lab due 9/18/2018

This assignment is being revised and tested. Completion will be announced on Piazza

Introduction to MPI programming

  • trap.cpp

  • checksums of system files

Preliminary material

  • Accessing the Beowulf cluster Cumulus. Cluster head node cumulus.cs.stolaf.edu; command ssh -X

  • Passwordless SSH setup - discussed in class.
    Note: Logging in from CS-managed network to St. Olaf network requires VPN, not currently provided on the CS-managed machines. But you can log into CS-managed machines from link machines or your laptop, but not the other way around

  • Trapezoidal rule for approximating integrals (calculus)

  • Parallel strategy for computing trapezoidal approximation, one "partial sum" per process.

  • Compiling and running MPI programs.

  • git version control,

  • System changes...

Laboratory exercises

  1. We assume you created a PDC directory in the first homework, and set it up for stogit. If you haven't, please complete those sections of HW1.

    • Create a directory within ~/PDC for your work on this lab.

      %  cd ~/PDC
      %  mkdir lab1 
      %  cd lab1 

  2. Create a directory ~/.ssh on a Link machine, if you don't already have one.

    %  mkdir ~/.ssh
    %  chmod 700 ~/.ssh
    %  cd ~/.ssh
    Don't forget the "dot". Note: The chmod command changes the Linux protection of that directory so that only your account (and the root account) can access it.

  3. Open a terminal window and try logging into cumulus as follows.

    link%  ssh username@cumulus 
    Where username is your St. Olaf username. If this step fails, you probably don't have an account on cumulus. Contact RAB for access.

    • Note: You can omit username@ in the command above if you are logged in as username (e.g., if you are logged into a Link computer).

    Once you have successfully logged in to cumulus, log out from that machine.

    cumulus$  exit

    (Don't enter the $ sign: it stands for the bash shell prompt on the head node (e.g., cumulus.)

  4. Generate a public key and a private key for authentication.

    link%  ssh-keygen -t rsa -P ""

  5. Copy the public key id_rsa.pub from your link machine account to the head node cumulus.

    %  ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub localhost
    Reminder: Enter this command on a Link computer (or another computer on the St. Olaf network), not on cumulus.

  6. a file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on cumulus.

    • Unless a directory ~/.ssh already exists on cumulus, create one by logging into cumulus and entering the mkdir and chmod commands above.

      %  ssh cumulus.cs.stolaf.edu 
      cumulus$  mkdir .ssh
      cumulus$  chmod 700 .ssh

    • Now append the Link computer's public key file to the end of the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the cumulus head node.

      • If ~/.ssh/authorized_keys doesn't already exist on cumulus, you can simply copy the public key while logged into the Link computer as follows:

        %  scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub cumulus.cs.stolaf.edu:~/.ssh/authorized_keys

      • If ~/.ssh/authorized_keys does already exist, you can add the new public key to the end of that file as follows:

        %  scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub cumulus.cs.stolaf.edu:~/.ssh/tmp
        cumulus$ cd ~/.ssh
        cumulus$ cat tmp >> authorized_keys
        cumulus$ rm tmp
        Note: The first of these commands is performed on the Link computer, and the remaining commands are performed on the cumulus head node.

    • Now test the setup by logging out of cumulus and logging back into cumulus.cs.stolaf.edu from the Link machine, using ssh. Not password should be required.

    • Repeat this setup for other cluster(s). Note: You can use the same public key for the other clusters that you already created above for cumulus above, so only the copying and testing steps need to be performed on the other cluster(s).

  7. Set up stogit on your cumulus account.

    • Create an RSH SSH key pair on cumulus. (Since cumulus doesn't share your IT home directory, you can't use the SSH keys you've already created for link computers.)

      cumulus$  ssh-keygen -t rsa

    • Set up public key access from cumulus to stogit by adding your cumulus public key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub on cumulus to your Profile settings on stogit.cs.stolaf.edu.

      Note: You should be able to use
      cumulus$  cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
      to show your public key on a terminal window logged into cumulus, then copy and paste into a browser running on a different computer (like your own computer or a link machine you're logged into).
    • Perform these git steps while logged into the cumulus head node:

      cumulus$  git config --global user.name "First Last"
      cumulus$  git config --global user.email "username@stolaf.edu"
      cumulus$  git config --global core.editor "emacs"

    • Now clone your stogit account for the course into a new subdirectory PDC in your cumulus account.

      cumulus$  cd ~
      cumulus$  git clone git@stogit.cs.stolaf.edu:pdc-f18/user.git PDC
      Cloning creates a new working directory for your stogit repository. You will now have (at least) two working directories, one on link computers, and one on cumulus.

      • Note: It's especially important to pull before you push whenever there are multiple working directories for the same git repository, so that changes made and pushed from one working directory can be synchronized via pull before pushing changes from another working directory.

      • If you already have created files on cumulus in a subdirectory PDC, perform the following commands instead of cloning.

        cumulus$  cd ~/PDC
        cumulus$  git init
        cumulus$  git remote add origin git@stogit.cs.stolaf.edu:pdc-f18/user.git
        You can now pull/push in order to synchronize your work with stogit.

  8. MPI computation on Cumulus. The following steps give you an experience running an MPI computation that involves multiple processes.

    1. Log into the cumulus.cs.stolaf.edu head node.

    2. The MPI program we will try is called trap.cpp, which computes a trapezoidal approximation of an integral. This code includes MPI calls that enable multiple processes to compute part of the answer, and for a single process (the head process) to retrieve the partial answers from each other process and combine to a total answer.

      The MPI code in trap.cpp was discussed in class.

      DO THIS: Copy trap.cpp from the web link above to your account on the cumulus head node using this wget command.

      cumulus$   wget  https://www.stolaf.edu/people/rab/pdc/lab/trap.cpp   .
      Note: don't forget the final dot . , which represents your current directory on the cumulus head node (i.e., the lab1 subdirectory).

      You can check that the wget download succeeded by examining the downloaded copy of trap.cpp.

      • emacs trap.cpp , or

      • less trap.cpp

    3. To compile trap.cpp as an MPI application, enter

      cumulus$  mpiCC trap.cpp -o trap
      mpiCC is similar to gcc, except it includes the options needed to create a complete MPI executable.

      As a quick check, enter ls -l in your lab1 subdirectory and look for an executable file named trap.

    4. Before we can successfully run the trap MPI executable, make sure that passwordless SSH is set up on all the Cumulus worker nodes.

      Note: When logged into the cumulus head node, the worker nodes have the names cumulus01, cumulus02, ..., cumulus09.

      1. In order to set up passwordless ssh between the head node and the worker nodes, we need

        • the cumulus head node's public SSH key must be added to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on each of the worker nodes, and

        • an entry for the head node needs to be added to ~/.ssh/known_hosts for each worker node.

      2. HOWEVER, your home directory for the cumulus head node is shared with all the cumulus worker nodes, using NFS (the same mechanism that allows the link machines to share your same home directory).

      3. So, DO THIS:

        • cumulus$   cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
          This adds the head's public key to it's own authorized_keys file. (And hence, the worker nodes' authorized_keys file, which are the same file through NFS sharing.)

        • Log into each worker node in turn from the cumulus head node.

          These worker nodes will prompt whether you want to trust the head node -- answer yes to automatically add the head node to that worker's known_hosts file.

          Don't forget to log out of the worker node (you could use the exit shell command), which returns you to the cumulus head node for the next login.

    5. After setting up passwordless SSH to worker nodes as above, you can run your new trap MPI program as follows:

      cumulus$  mpiexec -hostfile /usr/mpihosts -np 4 ./trap
      while you are in your lab1 directory. The result should be some output from each worker node, followed by an combined answer (about 34.7) printed by the head node.


    • You may perform your computation on any of the cluster head machines listed above, unless otherwise instructed. Note that CS-managed servers such as cumulus do not share a file system with each other or with the St. Olaf file servers. Also, they use the bash shell by default, which works mostly like the csh shell most people use on the lab machines, but has some differences. (We will indicate the bash shell using the prompt $.)

    • Try both the C version trap.c and the C++ version trap.cpp (link in the Beowiki page).

    • These files should be compiled and run on the cluster head node (e.g., cumulus), but the source code can be created on a Link computer and copied to the head node cumulus.

      • To create the files trap.c and trap.cpp on a Link machine, first create a ~/PDC/lab1 subdirectory on that link machine, and create the files in that subdirectory.

        link%  mkdir ~/PDC/lab1 
        link%  cd ~/PDC/lab1 
        link%  (edit files)
        You can then use git to transfer the files from that link machine to the head node as follows. On the link machine:
        link%  git add trap.c 
        link%  git commit -m "lab1: first version of trap.c"
        link%  git pull origin master
        link%  git push origin master
        (You could add and commit both trap.c and trap.cpp if you have already created them both.) Then, on cumulus,
        cumulus$  cd ~/PDC
        cumulus$  git pull origin master
        cumulus$  cd lab1 
        Note that the pull operation will create a subdirectory lab1 even if one doesn't exist yet. The file trap.c should now be available in your PDC/lab1 subdirectory on cumulus.

      • Alternative: You could instead create the files on cumulus instead of a link machine.

        cumulus$  mkdir ~/PDC/lab1 
        cumulus$  cd ~/PDC/lab1 
        cumulus$  (edit files)
        However, it may be more difficult to copy/paste code from the web code examples into an editor running on cumulus.

    • For this lab, use mpirun to run your MPI program code. Example command:

      cumulus$  mpirun -np 4 -hostfile /usr/mpihosts trap

      • the flag -np indicates how many processes should participate in the computation (4 in this case),

      • the flag -hostfile indicates a file that lists the cluster computers to run those processes -- different processes will be assigned to different cores on those computers, when possible -- and

      • trap is the executable to run on the cores of those computers listed in the host file parameter.

      The hostfile /usr/mpihosts is a standard location on St. Olaf clusters for a hostfile, but you can substitute your own file if you wish.

    • (Subject to change.) As indicated in Wiki page Trapezoid_Tutorial, you can submit your job to Slurm for parallel computation in the form of a shell script, perhaps named trapjob.sh.

      cumulus$  sbatch -n 4 -o trapjob.out trapjob.sh
      The number 4 indicates the number of cores (on nodes selected by Slurm) in your computation. The file trapjob.out in the current directory will receive output from that computation.

  9. Create a commit containing your source file (only), if you haven't done so already.

    cumulus$  git add trap.cpp
    cumulus$  git commit -m "lab1: first version of trap.cpp"
    Even if you had already created a commit of these files (e.g., on a Link computer), be sure to create a new commit (with an appropriate commit message) if you made any changes in those files.

    • Note: It's not necessary to pull/push this new commit at this time, if you needed to create one. (You may if you want, or wish to copy to another system via git.)

  10. Create a copy of that program named trap2.cpp, which includes the following modifications.

    • The goal of the program trap.cpp is to compute an approximation of the integral expression using a given number of trapezoids. The original trap.cpp uses 1024 trapezoids to approximate the integral . Modify trap2.cpp to compute an approximation of the integral with 1048576 (= 2^20) trapezoids.

      (Note: This does not require you to know calculus. Instead, find the formula and parameters in the code and make the necessary changes, being sure to read enough of the code to be sure you are changing the correct values.)

    • You can either create trap2.cpp on the cluster head node, or create trap2.cpp on a Link computer and copy to the cluster head node using git, as described above.

    • When you're ready, create a commit containing working code for trap2.cpp, if you haven't done so already.

      cumulus$  git add trap2.cpp
      cumulus$  git commit -m "lab1: added trap2.cpp"

  11. Standalone vs. parallel execution. The C++ class Trap in the program trap.cpp encapsulates the computation necessary to approximate a definite integral in calculus using trapezoids. Note that this class's method approxIntegral() computes a trapezoidal approximation for any values a, b, and n, whether or not parallel programming is used.

    • Create a standalone program standalone.cpp on a Link computer that computes the same trapezoidal approximation of the same definite integral as in trap2.cpp. Use the same class Trap in standalone.cpp as you used in trap2.cpp. The main() for standalone.cpp needs only call the method Trap::approxIntegral() with the (total) integral's values a, b, n, and h and print the results, omitting the computation involving partial sums (we are computing everything in a single sum in this case) and omitting mpi.h and all MPI-related calls.

    • If you need to copy trap2.cpp from the head node to your Link computer as a starting point for standalone.cpp, you can use scp, e.g.,

      %  scp cumulus.cs.stolaf.edu:PDC/lab1/trap2.cpp ~/PDC/lab1

    • Compile and run standalone.cpp on a Link computer using the ordinary g++ compiler.

      % g++ -c standalone.cpp
      % g++ -o standalone standalone.o
      % standalone
    • When you know you have working code, create a commit containing it.
      cumulus$  git add standalone.cpp
      cumulus$  git commit -m "lab1: standalone.cpp"
  12. Output from nodes. The mpirun program that we are using to execute MPI jobs captures and merges the standard output streams from all of the nodes (processing elements). Test this by adding an output statement that includes the MPI node identifier my_rank just after each node determines its each value of integral.

    • For the C++ version trap.cpp, the value of integral is determined by the call of Trap::approxIntegral(), and you can insert

      cout << "node " << my_rank << " computed subtotal " 
           << integral << endl;

    • For the C version trap.c, the value of integral is determined by the call of Trap(), and you can insert

      printf("node %d computed subtotal %f\n", my_rank, integral);

    • Create a commit containing whichever version(s) you modified, with a helpful commit message. For example,

      cumulus$  git add trap.cpp
      cumulus$  git commit -m "lab1: trap.cpp with output from processes"

    End of first submission stage.

    Submit your work up to this step (or later) by Friday, September 14, 2018 as follows:

    cumulus$  git pull origin master
    cumulus$  git push origin master

  13. Profiling. Postponed

  14. Collective communication using MPI_Reduce(). The program trap.cpp uses library functions MPI_Send() and MPI_Recv() to communicate from one process to another. These are examples of point-to-point communication, in which a particular source process sends a message to a particular destination process, and that destination process receives that message.

    MPI also provides for collective communication, in which an entire group of processes participates in the communication. One example of collective communication is the MPI_Bcast() call ("broadcast"), in which one process sends a message to all processes in an MPI communicator (such as MPI_COMM_WORLD) in a single operation.

    Broadcasting won't help with the communication needed in trap.cpp, but a different MPI communication function called MPI_Reduce() performs exactly the communication that trap.cpp needs. In a MPI_Reduce() operation, all processes in a communicator provide a value by calling the MPI_Reduce() library function, and one designated destination process receives a combination of all those values, combined using an operation such as addition or maximum.

    Modify the program trap2.cpp to create a new version trapR.cpp that uses collective communication via MPI_Reduce() instead of point-to-point communication with MPI_Send() and MPI_Recv() in order to communicate and add up the partial sums. A single MPI_Reduce() call will replace all the code for MPI_Sending, MPI_Recving, and summing integral values. According to the manual page, a library call MPI_Reduce() has the following arguments (in order):

    • operand, the address of a variable containing the contributed value from a process (in our case, a partial sum);

    • result, the address of a variable to be filled in with the combined value (such as total in trap.cpp);

    • count, an int length of the variables operand and result (enabling those variables to be arrays)

    • datatype, indicating the type of the variables operand and result (such as MPI_FLOAT or MPI_INT);

    • operator, indicating the combining operation to be performed, such as MPI_SUM, MPI_PROD, or MPI_MAX;

    • root, an int designating the rank of the unique process that is to receive the combined operand values in its result variable; and

    • comm, an MPI communicator, i.e., a group of MPI processes (we will choose the default MPI_COMM_WORLD.

    Note: All processes in the communicator must provide all arguments for their MPI_Reduce() calls, even the combined value is stored only in the root process's result argument. MPI makes this requirement in order for the MPI_Reduce() call to have the same format for all processes in a communicator. A MPI_Reduce() call can be thought of as a single call by an entire communicator, rather than individual calls by all the processes in that communicator.

    Create a commit containing your program trapR.cpp

    cumulus$  git add trapR.cpp
    cumulus$  git commit -m "lab1: trapR.cpp, using MPI_Reduce"

  15. Instance vs. class methods. Observe that we never actually create an instance of the class Trap in the programs trap.cpp and trap2.cpp. Instead, we call the class method approxIntegral using the scope operator :: (Trap::approxIntegral()). The keyword static in the definition of the method approxIntegral indicates that it is a class method.

    Note: The MPI operations Init, Send, Receive, etc., are also implemented as class methods, making it unnecessary to create an instance of the class MPI.

    Create a new version trap3.cpp of the trapezoid program in which approxIntegral is an instance method instead of a class method, as a review exercise in C++ programming. This will require you to create an instance trap of the class Trap and perform the call trap.approxIntegral(...) in order to compute a trapezoidal approximation. (To change a class method to an instance method, remove the keyword static.) Compile trap3.cpp for parallel computation (with mpiCC) and test it.

    When you know you have working code, create a commit containing it.

    cumulus$  git add trap3.cpp
    cumulus$  git commit -m "lab1: trap3.cpp, instance methods instead of class methods"

  16. Data decomposition (parallel programming pattern).

    A parallel programming pattern is an effective, reusable strategy for designing parallel and distributd computations. Such strategies, which have typically been discovered and honed through years of practical experience in industry and research, can apply in many different applied contexts and programming technologies. Patterns act as guides for problem solving, the essential activity in Computer Science, and they provide a way for students to gain expertise quickly in the challenging and complex world of parallel programming.

    This lab exhibits several parallel programming patterns:

    • The Data Parallel pattern appears in our approach to dividing up the basic work of the problem: to add the areas of all the trapezoids, we break up the data so that each processing element (e.g., core in a cluster node) carries out a portion of the summation, and together they span the entire summation. We will also call this the Data decomposition pattern.

    • The Message Passing pattern is represented in the point-to-point communication of MPI Send and Receive operations used in these codes.

    • The reduce approach to programming the problem used in trapR.cpp represents a Collective Communication pattern.

    • The Loop Parallel pattern focuses on computationally intensive loops as opportunities for parallelism.

    Data Decomposition is considered to be a higher level pattern than the others. Higher level patterns are closer to the application, and lower level patterns are closer to the hardware. Observe that we referred to the applied problem of computing areas by adding up trapezoids when describing how Data Decomposition relates to our problem, but Message Passing and Collective Communication are more directly concerned with the mechanics of computer network communication and of performing arithmetic with results produced at multiple hosts.

    The Loop Parallel pattern is at a "mid-level," not as high (i.e., not as close to the application) as Data Decomposition, but not as low (close to the hardware) as Message Passing or Collective Communication.

    As the program standalone.cpp indicates, the original Trap class does not implement any of the Data decomposition of the problem -- all the subdivision of intervals in trap.cpp occurs in main(). In this step of the lab, we will move the data decomposition into the class Trap, making main() easier to write.

    Start by making a copy trap4.cpp of your program trap3.cpp. Modify the class Trap in trap4.cpp as follows:

    • Add the following state variables:

      • nprocs, the int number of processing elements to divide this computation among.

      • id, the index of a particular processing element, which will have an int value from 0 to nprocs-1 inclusive.

    • Add a constructor satisfying the following spec.



      2 arguments:

      • np,   int number of processing elements
      • i,   int an index of a processing element

      State change: Assigns the value np to the state variable nprocs, and assigns the value i to the state variable id

      An instance of Trap will correspond to the portion of the area computation for a single processing element to carry out.

    • Modify the method approxIntegral (or add a second version of that method) to take three arguments.



      3 arguments:

      • a,   double lower limit of integration for the entire problem
      • b,   double upper limit of integration for the entire problem
      • n,   int number of trapezoids for the entire problem

      State change: none

      Return: double, this processing element's computed portion of a trapezoidal approximation of

      The code for this method should determine the local_a, local_b, and local_n values for a particular processing element according to the state variables nprocs and id (note that id would be the MPI rank), then compute that processing element's portion of the trapezoidal approximation, and return the result.

    Finally, modify main() in trap4.cpp to use the new class. The MPI calls will remain in main() but the Data Decomposition involving local_a, etc., can all be deleted, leading to a more easily understood main program.

    Compile (using mpiCC) and test your MPI program.

    When you know you have working code, create a commit containing it.

    cumulus$  git add trap4.cpp
    cumulus$  git commit -m "lab1: trap4.cpp, data decomposition within class Trap"

    Reusability of patterns.

    This same class Trap might be used with some other form of parallelization besides MPI. This illustrates another aspect of patterns like Data Decomposition: these effective problem-solving strategies can be used with many different parallel programming technologies.


  1. To submit your work, you need git set up on the on the cluster head node(s) you used, as described above.

  2. All of your code for this assignment should already be contained in commits. Modify the most recent commit message to indicate that you are submitting the completed assignment.

    cumulus$  git commit --amend
    Add the following to the latest commit message.
        lab1: complete

    If your assignment is not complete, indicate your progress instead, e.g.,
        lab1: items 1-5 complete, item 6 partial
    You can make later commits to submit updates.

    Finally, pull/push your commits in the usual way.

    cumulus$  git pull origin master
    cumulus$  git push origin master

  3. Now that you have git set up on all the computers you used, you have two options for how to submit your work on this lab.

    1. The simpler approach is to rename your subdirectories according to which computer the work is located on. For example,

      %  cd ~/PDC
      %  mv lab1 lab1-link
      cumulus$  cd ~/PDC
      cumulus$  mv lab1 lab1-cumulus 
      After these renamings, perform the following instructions on all hosts you used for the assignment:
      %  cd ~/PDC
      %  git pull origin master
      %  git add -A
      %  git commit -m "lab1 submit on link"
      %  git push origin master
      cumulus$  cd ~/PDC
      cumulus$  git pull origin master
      cumulus$  git add -A
      cumulus$  git commit -m "lab1 submit on cumulus"
      cumulus$  git push origin master
      If you use this approach, be sure it is clear which versions of files are the current ones. For example, in this lab, there may be versions of trap.c on both the Link and cumulus; which one is final, or are they both the same. One way to record this is to delete old versions, or copy them to a sub-subdirectory named old. Or, you could create text files named README.txt in each appropriate lab1 directory to indicate the status of your files.

    2. If you prefer to store all of your files in one lab1 directory, here is an alternative approach to submitting.

      We will use git's branch feature for this approach, which support multiple lines of development in a single git project, because ______ (details to follow)

Also, fill out this form to report on your work. (Optional in 2015.)

The final submission of this lab is due by 9/18/2018.

Files: trap.c trap.cpp trap2.cpp standalone.cpp trap.cpp trapR.cpp trap3.cpp trap4.cpp