< February 2010
April 2010 >

Marino tackles insomnia in 'Times'
MARCH 31, 2010

"Drip, drip, drip — that’s what insomniac thoughts feel like, a leaky faucet behind the eyes," begins St. Olaf faculty member Gordon Marino in a recent New York Times piece.

Six Gates Scholars attending St. Olaf
MARCH 31, 2010

This year, six Gates Millennium Scholars are attending St. Olaf: Phoua Xiong ’12, Serena Xiong ’13, Mai Tong Vang ’10, Vue Yang ’11, Kosaizee Yang ’11, and Kia Her ’12.

Clift founds program for young Chinese cellists
MARCH 30, 2010

St. Olaf Instructor in Music Anna Clift has founded Cello: An American Experience, a new summer camp for young Chinese cellists.

St. Olaf 'Rubes' finish at No. 2
MARCH 29, 2010

Despite three flawless runs, the St. Olaf Rube Goldberg team was edged out by the University of Wisconsin–Stout to place second at the national Rube Goldberg Competition hosted by Purdue University Saturday.

Qian performs with Pueblo Symphony
MARCH 29, 2010

In a recent performance with the Pueblo Symphony Orchestra, faculty member Jun Qian "went from the haunting depths of the lower register to unbelievable highs in showing his mastery of the clarinet," wrote the Pueblo Chieftain's music critic.

Rambachan lectures at Harvard
MARCH 29, 2010

St. Olaf Professor of Religion Anantanand Rambachan recently presented “Is There a Purpose for Creation? Rethinking the Meaning of Not-Two,” a lecture that was part of Harvard University's Hindu Studies Colloquium Series. 

Sorenson credits theatrical success to liberal arts experience
MARCH 29, 2010

Hannah Sorenson '10 recently was accepted into three of the country's top Master of Fine Arts programs for theatre. Her classes at St. Olaf — whether philosophy, mathematics, Norwegian, biology, or religion — have helped by making her "think about the world in a different light."

TV stations feature St. Olaf 'Rubes'
MARCH 24, 2010

Local TV stations KARE 11 and WCCO 4 have featured the St. Olaf Rube Goldberg team as the students make their final preparations for the national competition at Purdue University March 27. "I'd say it's the engineering version of 'March madness,'" Bryce Danielson '11 told KARE.

VIDEO NEWS: St. Olaf Band performs, studies in Japan
MARCH 22, 2010

Members of the St. Olaf Band, conducted by Timothy Mahr ’78, embarked on a two-week study tour of Japan earlier this year. In addition to their performance schedule, students completed a course that examined Japanese culture and history.

VIDEO NEWS: Students present choreography at national conference
MARCH 19, 2010

St. Olaf Artist in Residence Anthony Roberts says he's pleased to have three “high-caliber” pieces — choreographed by four students — represent St. Olaf at a national dance conference.

Abbe reviews 'Arabesque'
MARCH 19, 2010

Mary Abbe, art critic for the Star Tribune, recently ventured down to campus to check out "Arabesque" -- an art show by the mother-daughter team of sculptor Judy Onofrio and painter Jennifer Onofrio Fornes.

St. Olaf to honor Psychology Department founder
MARCH 18, 2010

For Olaf Millert, the emeritus faculty member who founded the St. Olaf Psychology Department in 1960, helping students is a normal part of life. His numerous gifts to the college will result in a Regents Hall laboratory being named in his honor.

Gen. Wesley Clark to speak Tuesday
MARCH 18, 2010

Retired Army General Wesley Clark will discuss war and international politics during a public appearance at St. Olaf Tuesday. A Rhodes Scholar and presidential candidate, Clark is perhaps best known for leading NATO forces in the Kosovo War in 1999.

Award-winning journalist, social entrepreneur visits campus as Woodrow Wilson Fellow
MARCH 17, 2010

Maria Karagianis, former Boston Globe and Rand Daily Mail reporter, and currently director of U.S. operations for the Greek school Anatolia, is visiting St. Olaf March 22-26 as part of the Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow Program.

St. Olaf honored for community service
MARCH 17, 2010

The 1,770 St. Olaf students who logged more than 46,000 hours of community service last year have landed the college on the President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll.

Bird researcher to address 'Migration'
MARCH 16, 2010

Keith Hobson, a bird conservation and management researcher for the Canadian government, will present two talks at St. Olaf that tie in with the college's current academic theme of "Migration."

Hong funeral to be streamed online
MARCH 16, 2010

St. Olaf Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Howard Hong '34 died March 16 in Northfield. Hong is best remembered for founding, along with late wife Edna Hatlestad Hong '38, the Kierkegaard Library at St. Olaf. The March 27 funeral will be streamed online.

Schantzen wins national shot put title
MARCH 15, 2010

John Schantzen '10 won shot put with a school record 17.37-meter effort at the NCAA Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships Saturday.

Students gain professional opportunities from new Career Network for Oles
MARCH 12, 2010

As seniors prepare to enter a tough job market, St. Olaf is launching a networking program that will connect students with St. Olaf alumni and parents. Kirsten Cahoon '98, senior associate director of career connections, hopes the program will "create lasting and sustained relationships."

VIDEO NEWS: St. Olaf 'Rubes' hope to retain national title
MARCH 12, 2010

Who knew that dispensing hand sanitizer could take 204 steps? This year’s Rube Goldberg team — hoping to repeat last year's victory has created a "medieval" machine that uses chemistry, physics, geometry, music, and computer programming to complete the task.

Dickinson and Fritz study effects of age, alcohol
MARCH 10, 2010

Associate Professor of Psychology Shelly Dickinson and Brandon Fritz '10 are researching how alcohol affects the brain — specifically what the correlation might be between early consumption and addiction.

St. Olaf students tackle tricky math
MARCH 10, 2010

For the third time over the past four years, a team of St. Olaf math students Nathan Clement ’10, Mathew Deram '11, and Vladimir Sotirov '12 has come out on top at the annual Konhauser Problemfest.

'Inside Higher Ed' quotes Dean May
MARCH 9, 2010

Inside Higher Ed recently quoted James May, provost and dean of St. Olaf and professor of classics, in a story about how some institutions are trying to trim costs by targeting small academic programs such as classics departments.

St. Olaf to award honorary degrees to human rights activist, play director
MARCH 8, 2010

St. Olaf College will award honorary degrees to Marjorie Jobson, a South African human rights activist, and Joe Dowling, longtime artistic director of the Guthrie Theater, during a convocation ceremony Thursday. In addition, Jobson will present a lecture later that day about post-apartheid South Africa.

Student wins 'women in computing' award
MARCH 5, 2010

“I love the multitude of different applications that mathematics has in the world, and the kid in me loves all the fun math tricks you learn along the way as well,” says Emily Jones '11, who returned to campus recently with the undergraduate best poster prize from the Regional Celebration of Women in Computing.

Oles to meet with state legislators on financial aid funding
MARCH 5, 2010

On March 18 St. Olaf students and interested others will meet with state legislators during Day at the Capitol. The St. Olaf contingent will join counterparts from other private colleges in discussions with members of the House of Representatives and Senate on the importance of the Minnesota State Grant program to students and their families.

Swinging Tuesday nights away at St. Olaf
MARCH 3, 2010

Long ago deemed “the work of the devil” by college officials, swing dancing has grown to become one of the most popular after-hours activities at St. Olaf. The annual Lindy Fest hosted by the St. Olaf Swing Club attracts participants from across the region.

St. Olaf ensembles to perform for music conference
MARCH 3, 2010

The St. Olaf Orchestra, St. Olaf Choir, and Manitou Singers have all been invited to perform at this year's American Choral Directors Association conference in Minneapolis. A number of alumni also are involved with the event.

Norwegian Home Guard officers visit campus
MARCH 2, 2010

A group of Norwegian Home Guard officers recently visited campus to learn more about Norwegian-American ties.

St. Olaf announces faculty promotions, tenure
MARCH 1, 2010

St. Olaf Provost and Dean of the College Jim May recently announced that five St. Olaf faculty members have been promoted to full professor and eight have been granted tenure this year.