January 22, 2023

Third Sunday after Epiphany — Lectionary 3 (Year A)

Although for many of us, these winter days are long and dark, this week on Sing For Joy we will hear music that reminds us of the light. Join us this week for beautiful music and enriching reflections.


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Scriptures for this Program

  • (1R) Isaiah 9:1-4
  • (PS) Psalm 27:1, 4-9
  • (2R) 1 Corinthians 1:10-18
  • (G) Matthew 4:12-23

Hymn to the Creator of LightJohn Rutter / Lancelot Andrewes, lyricist / Johann Franck, lyricist / Catherine Winkworth, translator / Alexander Whyte, translator (1R)
Dale Warland Singers: Minneapolis, MN / Dale Warland
(CD) Lux Aurumque / GOTHIC / G-4952
© 2007 Gothic, Gothic Records, Inc. P.O. Box 414, Orcas, WA, 98280, USA

Holy is the True LightWilliam H. Harris / G.H. Palmer, lyricist (1R)
The King's Singers
(CD) Pater Noster: A Choral Reflection on the Lord's Prayer / NAXOS / 8.572987
© 2012 Naxos, Naxos of America, Inc., Suite 28, 1810 Columbia Avenue, Franklin, TN, 37067, USA

I Can Tell the WorldAfrican American Spiritual / African American Spiritual, lyricist / Moses Hogan, arranger (G)
Stellenbosch University Choir / André van der Merwe
© 2015 Stellenbosch University Choir, Stellenbosch University Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602, Stellenbosch, South Africa

Messiah: The People that Walked in DarknessGeorge Frideric Handel (1R)
The Boston Baroque Orchestra, ensemble / Victor Ledbetter, baritone / Martin Pearlman
(CD) Messiah / TELARC / CD-80093-2
© 1984 Telarc, Concord Music Group, 100 North Crescent Drive, Garden Level, Beverly Hills, CA, 90210, USA

Jesus Calls Us, o'er the Tumult (ST. ANDREW)John Timothy Laverty / Cecil Francis Alexander, lyricist (G)
The Choir of Wells Cathedral / Rupert Gough, organ / Malcolm Archer
(CD) Evensong For St. Andrew's Day / LAMMAS RECORDS / LAMM134D
© 2007 Lammas Records, 118 The Mount, York, Herts, YO24 1AS, England

I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light (HOUSTON)Kathleen Thomerson / Kathleen Thomerson, lyricist (1R, G)
The Choir of All Saints' Episcopal Church: Beverly Hills, CA / Craig Phillips, accompanist / Thomas Foster
(CD) Hymns Through the Ages / GOTHIC / G 49074
© 1995 Gothic, Gothic Records, Inc. P.O. Box 414, Orcas, WA, 98280, USA