Rev. Alexandra M. Jacob, Program Host

Rev. Alexandra M. Jacob begins her ministry as host of Sing For Joy on June 12, 2022, The Feast of the Holy Trinity.
Rev. Jacob serves as the Associate Pastor for Families, Youth, and Children at Westminster Presbyterian Church in the heart of downtown Minneapolis. She spends her days at WPC working with dynamic and curious young people, and she enjoys being part of a collaborative pastoral team who share responsibilities for preaching, teaching, worship leadership, and pastoral care.
Originally from Greenville, South Carolina, Alexandra moved north to earn her Bachelor of Music in Church Music from St. Olaf College, graduating Summa Cum Laude. Experiences in church internships throughout her college years helped Alexandra to discern a “holy nudge” away from the organ bench and towards the pulpit, font, and table. She followed this call and completed a Master of Divinity degree from Columbia Theological Seminary, where she graduated with honors and received a grant for further study in music & worship, and the award for graduating student with the strongest academic paper in theology. During her time in seminary, Alexandra sang with the Atlanta Master Chorale and the Evensong choir at St. Philip’s Cathedral, and she directed the Seminary Choir as part of her work in the seminary Office of Worship Life.
Upon graduation, Alexandra accepted a call to the pastoral residency program for new pastors at First Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, NC, where she discerned a growing sense of call to work with young people and their families. That call led her to Minneapolis, where she and her husband Andy are making their home. In addition to her pastoral responsibilities at Westminster, Alexandra has enjoyed writing for Lutheran and Presbyterian publications, including Sundays & Seasons and Call to Worship. When she and Andy aren’t talking hymnody and liturgy, Alexandra enjoys exploring Minnesota State Parks, biking around the Minneapolis lakes, and reading.