St. Olaf Christmas Festival

30 Minute Radio Program for the 2023 Christmas Season

For many years, St. Olaf College has offered a half-hour radio program featuring music for the Advent and Christmas season from our internationally renowned Christmas Festival concert. We are delighted to offer this program again this year at no charge as a special broadcast of the Sing For Joy radio program, also produced and distributed by St. Olaf College.

This year's program, Promise of Peace, features music for the Advent and Christmas season specially selected from the best of the 2022 Festival performances from Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis. Rev. Alexandra Jacob serves as host.

The "30-minute" program actually runs 28:30, allowing you the flexibility to seek out sponsors for the special if you so desire. The program has just enough continuity narration to assure that you have a turnkey special. In addition, the download page will include a number of other selected pieces that can be played separately throughout the holiday season.

You are welcome to broadcast this program any time after December 1, 2023.

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