Scriptures for this Program
- (1R) Isaiah 40:1-11
- (PS) Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13
- (2R) 2 Peter 3:8-15a
- (G) Mark 1:1-8
Messiah: Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye My People — George Frideric Handel (1R)
The Boston Baroque Orchestra / Bruce Fowler, tenor / Martin Pearlman
(CD) Messiah / TELARC / 2CD-80322
© 1992 Telarc, Concord Music Group, 100 North Crescent Drive, Garden Level, Beverly Hills, CA, 90210, USA
Messiah: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted — George Frideric Handel (1R)
The Boston Baroque Orchestra / Bruce Fowler, tenor / Martin Pearlman
(CD) Messiah / TELARC / 2CD-80322
© 1992 Telarc, Concord Music Group, 100 North Crescent Drive, Garden Level, Beverly Hills, CA, 90210, USA
On Jordan's Bank (WINCHESTER NEW) — Musikalisches Handbuch, Hamburg / Charles Coffin, lyricist / Malcolm Archer, arranger / John Chandler, translator (G)
The Choir of Wells Cathedral / Rupert Gough, accompanist / Malcolm Archer
(CD) The English Hymn, Vol. 3: Hills of the North Rejoice / HYPERION / CDP12103
© 2002 Hyperion, Hyperion Records Limited, P.O. Box 25, London, SE9 1AX, United Kingdom
Comfort, Comfort Now My People (GENEVAN 42 or FREU DICH SEHR) — Genevan Psalter / Johann G. Olearius, lyricist / John L. Bell, arranger / Catherine Winkworth, translator (1R)
The Cathedral Singers: Chicago, IL / Dominic Trumfio, accompanist / John L. Bell
(CD) God Comes Tomorrow . . . / GIA PUBLICATIONS / GIA CD-494
© 2001 GIA Publications, 7404 South Mason Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60638, USA
Prepare the Way O Zion — Dala Melody / Frans Mikael Franzên, lyricist / Margareta (Jalkeus) Bengtson, arranger (1R, G)
Dale Warland Singers: Minneapolis, MN / Dale Warland
(CD) Christmas with the Dale Warland Singers / GOTHIC / G 49208
© 2002 Gothic, Gothic Records, Inc. P.O. Box 414, Orcas, WA, 98280, USA
Prepare the Way (BEREDEN VÄG FÖR HERRAN) — Swedish Folk Tune / Frans Mikael Franzên, lyricist / Elizabeth Cruciger, lyricist / Christopher Aspaas, arranger / Augustus Nelson, translator / Arthur T. Russell, translator (1R, G)
St. Olaf Viking Chorus: Northfield, MN / Christopher Aspaas
(CD) A Child, A Son, The Prince of Peace / ST. OLAF RECORDS / E-3304/05
© 2010 St. Olaf Records, St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN, 55057, USA
There's A Voice In The Wilderness Crying (ASCENSION) — Henry Hugh Bancroft / James Lewis Milligan, lyricist (G)
The Schola Cantorum of St. Peter the Apostle: Chicago, IL / J. Michael Thompson
(CD) Music for Advent 2 / THE LITURGICAL PRESS /
© 2005 The Liturgical Press, P.O. Box 7500, Collegeville, MN, 56321, USA
All Earth is Hopeful (Toda La Tierra) (TAULÈ) — Alberto Taulé / Alberto Taulé, lyricist / James E. Bobb, arranger / Madeleine Forell Marshall, translator (1R, G)
Massed Choirs of St. Olaf College: Northfield, MN / The St. Olaf Orchestra / James E. Bobb
(CD) A New Song of Grace and Truth / ST. OLAF RECORDS / E-3658/3659
© 2019 St. Olaf Records, St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN, 55057, USA