Scriptures for this Program
- (1R) Isaiah 43:1-7
- (PS) Psalm 29
- (2R) Acts 8:14-17
- (G) Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
Here's A Pretty Little Baby — African American Spiritual / André Thomas, arranger (G)
The St. Olaf Choir: Northfield, MN / Anton Armstrong
(CD) Dawn of Redeeming Grace / ST. OLAF RECORDS / E-2198
© 1997 St. Olaf Records, St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN, 55057, USA
To Jordan Came the Christ, Our Lord (CHRIST UNSER HERR ZUM JORDAN KAM) — Martin Luther / Martin Luther, lyricist / Johann Sebastian Bach, arranger / Elizabeth Quitmeyer, translator / James E. Bobb, editor (G)
The St. Olaf Choir: Northfield, MN / James E. Bobb, organ / Anton Armstrong
(CD) Sing For Joy Archives / ST. OLAF COLLEGE / Not For Resale
© St. Olaf College, 1520 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN, 55057, USA
Veni, Creator Spiritus (Come, Creator Spirit, Come) — Sarum Plainsong / Rhabanus Maurus, lyricist (2R, G)
The Cathedral Singers: Chicago, IL / Richard Proulx
(CD) Sublime Chant / GIA PUBLICATIONS / GIA CD-338
© 1995 GIA Publications, 7404 South Mason Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60638, USA
Down to the River to Pray — American Folk Tune / American Folk Hymn, lyricist (G)
First Baptist Church Choir: White House, TN / Alison Krauss, soloist
(CD) O Brother, Where Art Thou? / LOST HIGHWAY / 088 170-069-2 DG02
© 2000 Lost Highway, 10 Universal City Plaza
4th Floor, Universal City, CA, 91308, USA
Do Not Be Afraid — Philip Stopford (1R)
The Ecclesium Choir: Belfast, Northern Ireland / Philip Stopford
(CD) Philip Stopford: Te Deum, Benedicite & Music for the Liturgy / PRIORY RECORDS, LTD. / PRCD1080
© 2012 Priory Records, Ltd., 3 Eden Court, Eden Way, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 4FY, United Kingdom
Take Me to the Water (TAKE ME TO THE WATER) — African American Spiritual (G)
Nina Simone, soloist
(CD) High Priestess Of Soul / PHILIPS / PHS 600-219
© 1967 Philips, PolyGram Records, Inc., New York, NY, USA